World languages
AQA GCSE Spanish Cómo prefieres mantenerte en contacto
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of keeping in touch via technology.
AQA GCSE Spanish Comunicarse por Internet
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of communicating by Internet.
AQA GCSE Spanish Trabajar o estudiar
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of working and studying.
AQA GCSE Spanish Qué voy a hacer
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of future work plans.
AQA GCSE Spanish Buscar Trabajo
GCSE Lesson based on Kerboodle AQA text book on topic of looking for work.
AQA GCSE Spanish Reglas y Uniforme
GCSE Lesson based on Kerboodle AQA text book on topic of school rules and uniform.
AQA GCSE Spanish Lo Bueno y Lo Malo del Instituto
GCSE Lesson based on Kerboodle AQA text book on topic of school and positives and negatives.
AQA GCSE Instituto y Asignaturas
GCSE Lesson based on Kerboodle AQA text book on topic of school and subjects.
AQA GCSE Como Ser Un Buen Estudiante
GCSE Lesson based on Kerboodle AQA text book.
GCSE Spanish AQA Free Time Activities
8 Presentations on the topic of Free Time following GCSE Kerboodle Book and online resources.
GCSE Spanish AQA Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region
Five presentations on Theme 2 AQA GCSE Spanish topic following Kerboodle book and online resources.
GCSE Spanish AQA Travel and Tourism
Five presentations on the topic of travel and tourism for AQA GCSE Spanish. Based On Kerboodle book and on line resources.
GCSE Spanish AQA Global Issues
Six presentations covering all topics of AQA Theme 2 Global Issues. Follows Kerboodle Text Book and on line resources.
GCSE Spanish AQA Social Issues
Six presentations covering all topics of AQA Theme 2 Social Issues. Follows Kerboodle Text Book and on line resources.
AQA GCSE Spanish Los Sin Techo
Lesson on homelessness Kerboodle
AQA GCSE Spanish Un Folleto Turístico
Tourism lesson using Kerboodle
AQA GCSE Spanish Qué hiciste y te gustaría hacer durante las vacaciones?
Holiday Activities Kerboodle
AQA GCSE Spanish Me Voy De Vacaciones
A Lesson on Holidays following AQA GCSE Kerboodle Resources
AQA GCSE Spanish En Qué Región Vives?
Lesson about your region following AQA GCSE Kerboodle Resources
AQA GCSE Spanish Dónde Te Alojas?
Accommodation lesson following Kerboodle AQA Resources